Visual data exploration in Python – correlation, confidence, spuriousness

This weekend – it was long overdue –  I cleaned up a notebook prepared last year to accompany the talk “Data science tools for petroleum exploration and production“, which I gave with my friend Thomas Speidel at the Calgary 2018 CSEG/CSPG Geoconvention.

The Python notebook can be downloaded from GitHub as part of a full repository, which includes R code from Thomas, or run interactively with Binder.

In this post I want to highlight on one aspect in particular: doing data exploration visually, but also quantitatively with inferential statistic tests.

Like all data scientists (professional, or in the making, and I ‘park’ myself for now in the latter bin), a scatter matrix is often the first thing I produce, after data cleanup, to look for obvious pairwise relationships and trends between variables. And I really love the flexibility, and looks of seaborn‘s pairgrid.

In the example below I use again data from Lee Hunt, Many correlation coefficients, null hypoteses, and high value CSEG Recorder, December 2013; my followers would be familiar with this small toy dataset from reading Geoscience ML notebook 2 and Geoscience_ML_notebook 3.

The scatter matrix in Figure 1 includes bivariate scatter-plots in the upper triangle, contours in the lower triangle, shape of the bivariate distributions on the diagonal.

matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 18
g = seaborn.PairGrid(data, diag_sharey=False)
axes = g.axes
g.map_upper(matplotlib.pyplot.scatter,  linewidths=1, 
            edgecolor="w", s=90, alpha = 0.5)
g.map_diag(seaborn.kdeplot, lw = 4, legend=False)
g.map_lower(seaborn.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")

Scatter matrix from pairgrid

It looks terrific. But, as I said, I’d like to show how to add to the individual scatterplots some useful annotation. These are the ones I typically focus on:

For the Spearman correlation coefficient I use scipy.stats.spearmanr, whereas for the confidence interval and the probability of spurious correlation I use my own functions, which I include below (following, respectively, Stan Brown’s  Stats without tears and Cynthia Kalkomey’s Potential risks when using seismic attributes as predictors of reservoir properties):

def confInt(r, nwells):
    z_crit = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(.975) 
    std_Z = 1/numpy.sqrt(nwells-3)      
    E = z_crit*std_Z
    Z_star = 0.5*(numpy.log((1+r)/(1.0000000000001-r)))
    ZCI_l = Z_star - E
    ZCI_u = Z_star + E
    RCI_l = (numpy.exp(2*ZCI_l)-1)/(numpy.exp(2*ZCI_l)+1) 
    RCI_u = (numpy.exp(2*ZCI_u)-1)/(numpy.exp(2*ZCI_u)+1)
    return RCI_u, RCI_l
def P_spurious (r, nwells, nattributes):
    t_of_r = r * numpy.sqrt((nwells-2)/(1-numpy.power(r,2)))  
    p = scipy.stats.t.sf(numpy.abs(t_of_r), nwells-2)*2 
    ks = numpy.arange(1, nattributes+1, 1)
    return numpy.sum(p * numpy.power(1-p, ks-1))

I also need a function to calculate the critical r, that is, the value of correlation coefficient  above which one can rule out chance as an explanation for a relationship:

def r_crit(nwells, a):
    t = scipy.stats.t.isf(a, nwells-2) 
    r_crit = t/numpy.sqrt((nwells-2)+ numpy.power(t,2))
    return r_crit

where a   is equal to alpha/2, alpha being the level of significance, or the chance of being wrong that one accepts to live with, and nwells-2 is equivalent to the degrees of freedom.

Finally, I need a utility function (adapted from this Stack Overflow answer) to calculate on the fly and annotate the individual scatterplots with the CC, CI, and P.

def corrfunc(x, y, rc=rc, **kws):
    r, p = svipy.stats.spearmanr(x, y)
    u, l = confInt(r, 21)  
    if r > rc:
       rclr = 'g'
        rclr= 'm' 
    if p > 0.05:
       pclr = 'm'
        pclr= 'g'
    ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
    ax.annotate("CC = {:.2f}".format(r), xy=(.1, 1.25), 
                xycoords=ax.transAxes, color = rclr, fontsize = 14)
    ax.annotate("CI = [{:.2f} {:.2f}]".format(u, l), xy=(.1, 1.1), 
                xycoords=ax.transAxes, color = rclr, fontsize = 14)
    ax.annotate("PS = {:.3f}".format(p), xy=(.1, .95), 
                xycoords=ax.transAxes, color = pclr, fontsize = 14)

So, now I just calculate the critical r for the number of observations, 21 wells in this case:

rc = r_crit(21, 0.025)

and wrap it all up this way:

matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 18
g = seaborn.PairGrid(data, diag_sharey=False)
axes = g.axes
g.map_upper(matplotlib.pyplot.scatter,  linewidths=1, 
            edgecolor="w", s=90, alpha = 0.5)
g.map_diag(seaborn.kdeplot, lw = 4, legend=False)
g.map_lower(seaborn.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")

so that:

  • the correlation coefficient is coloured green if it is larger than the critical r, else coloured in purple
  • the confidence interval is coloured green if both lower and upper are larger than the critical r, else coloured in purple
  • the probability of spurious correlation is coloured in green when below 0.05 (or 5% chance)

Enhanced scatter matrix