2 thoughts on “Colour: A quick guide to its use in informative graphics

  1. An interesting post but it doesn’t really cover how to use color to represent a continuous spectrum of information such as seismic data. I like his concept of using intuitive colors, i.e. red for hot values and blue for cool ones. This goes against the seg standard of using blue for positive (hot) amplitudes and red for negative (cool) ones. In my own work, I found that using blue for high amplitudes on terrain displays produces uncomfortable visual artifacts because our brains want to place the red (negative) values on top of the blue ones. Consequently the image appears perceptually inverted.

    • it doesn’t really cover how to use color to represent a continuous spectrum of information such as seismic data
      That’s why WE are here Steve
      As for terrain displays how o you like the blue for positive and yellow for negative I’m working on?

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