Playtime: explorations with OpenAI’s GPT-4, introduction

I will be honest. I have been very busy and unable to write much. Specifically on the latest advances in large language models and their applications, I had forced myself to stay on the fence. Yes, read about it, stay on top of the developments, but leave the experimenting to others, for the time being. Then two things changed my mind: first, I started working through David Mertz’ book Regular Expression Puzzles and AI Coding Assistants (very superficially, admittedly, as regular expressions are not my forte, but the book is awesome); second, I chanced on the article Why everyone should try GPT-4, even the CEO by Cassie Kozyrkov.

Here are the things I am actively playing with, right now. Soon I will start documenting these explorations with a new series of short blog posts:

  • Writing an essay in philosophy based on a specific, complex prompt
  • Act as baking assistant 
  • Write an imaginary dialogue between specific historic and fictional characters
  • Demonstrate geometry theorem
  • Perform arithmetic operations 
  • Act as song translation assistant
  • Write poem with specific metric, and music in a specific composer’s style
  • Act as coding assistant
  • Solve puzzles 
  • Play a live tic tac toe and/or chess game
  • Detect logical fallacies
  • Help with complex numerical estimations given a set of rules

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